Tuesday, August 22, 2006

On Creating Graphic Art...Part 2

A short time ago i saw a student culmination

at a local university

involving words, color and typestyle. These

creations had 9 squares and ideas and

statements, catchphrases actually, that

tied everything together. They were really

cool! My favorite one had used black and gray

as the background color. Pictured above

is my attempt at capturing this on a simpler scale.

The theme is evident. If it makes you hungry...

that's the power of advertising!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

guru at work!
Ken McCoy of the Ken McCoy Entertainment Report multitasking...
E-mailing photos to London, England!


Originally uploaded by shutterbug043.

Bbq fun!

Chicken and Pinapple!

James Ranells

Friday, August 18, 2006

A Music project I was working on.

A long planned idea involving a variety of musical instruments

being photographed was finally completed.

This is a great creative effort that could be used for

education, advertisiing or stock.

there's a lot to be said about the lines, shape

form and color of an instrument. Visualization to completion

is a satisfying feeling. So if you're reading this and

you have your own project...(could be animals or

old barns), you want to shoot, plan it out, keep

it simple and execute!

For Film lovers: Try Fujichrome Provia slide film!

For Digital Enthusiasts: Shoot in Jpeg quality: high or

camera raw(a whole nother thing)!

Save in Adobe Photoshop.

Thanks to Patricks Music for access.

Patricks Music is located at: 769 E. Barstow

in Fresno.

Buy an instrument!

Lessons available!

Congratulations to Scott Gorczyca, Realtor for the Daniel Company
for being the latest client of Captured Image Photography.
Check out Scott's new website: www.scottgorczyca.com.
The Daniel Company is located at 1186 W. Shaw,ste. 103, Fresno.
Ph. #: 228-1628. Call if you have any questions!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Looking Cool!

Gottschalks Fashion Show

Benefiting Valley Childrens Hospital

It was a success and a lot of fun!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

ESPN's Dan Patrick at the First Annual
Espy's awards in Fresno on July 29th.