Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The 2006 greeting card collection!
What a cool thing the Adobe Bridge is! You can make a contact sheet from
a specified folder or open files.
Pictured above is the 2006 collection of
fine images and graphic art available at $3.95 each
or five at $15(must be of same image).
Images are printed on glossy cardstock
and include envelope. The name of the image
is on the back of each card.
For further info or to order,
e-mail James at: shutterbug043@yahoo.com.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Governor Schwarzenegger visits CSUF campus
Schwarzenegger is greeted enthusiastically as he shakes
hands with Fritz Grupe.
The Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley met at the satalite student union
today to discuss in detail a plan to improve our highways and schools in the
central valley. There was a surprise visit from Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger. The governor started this partnership in June of 2005.

Sunne Wright-McPeak is the governors secretary for business, transportation and housing. She is also chair for the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley. In a short interview, she gave me an overview to get me up to speed. "First, he will be talking about general obligation bonds 1a through 1e. Second, why those bond measures are important to the valley, and third, he also has a plan for the San Joaquin Valley."

"No other government has put as much attention and care into the valley," adds Wright-McPeak.


The Governor explains in detail the improvements that are going to

take place in the San Joaquin Valley.


So The governor laid it out:

He has created 17,300 jobs.

Highway 99 is the only highway to get a billion dollars to be fixed.

There is 10.4 billion for schools. "That will enable tens

of thousands of new classrooms. We will also build

career education facilities," said Schwarzenegger.

"There is a 2.4 billion dollar package set aside

for affordable housing," he added.

There's a 4.1 billion dollar package to fix our levees.

"Our system is 100 years old," said Schwarzenegger.

"They are more vulnerable than the ones in New Orleans," he added.

Levees: 71 sites

Population: 37 million.

Of course it's a great idea. It's one that will work.


Fresno Mayor Alan Autry

Acknowledging a moment of applause.

The Governor shaking hands with students on the campus.

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Fine Arts show was a success! A large part of becoming, or
rebecoming well known is getting out there! The greeting cards were
well received. Thanks to all who showed up. I will hopefully soon
have images up for sale, so keep checking back.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Half Dome in Yosemite, a classic view.
A Visit to Yosemite Valley
and Mono Lake.

Mono Lake with tufa at the end of the day.
Travel notes:
The key idea was to look for something
different. There were a lot of familiar
sights, so shooting both was a good idea
since all I had in my collection were slides
and prints. The last time I was here was six years ago
I could spend a week here with all the places
to photograph. Off the beaten path is the way to go. Since
I only had one day, there was only so much you can do.
Ground cover plants can be interesting and cool when converted
to black and white. you always have room
in photoshop to improvise.
Always pack food when traveling long distances.
Mono Lake was cool. After the sun went down,
the light had changed and out came the camera
one more time. Dramatic!
Always pair up. It's more fun and good company.
I want to thank my chauffer(humor).
I definately want to go back to
yosemite in fall, and winter.
Music choices for the trip were Al DeMiola,
David Sandborn, Miles Davis, Lionel Hampton,
Craig Chacqiso, Spyrogyra, Santana
and Eric Clapton.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Ambassador Joseph Wilson speaks
at the 2006 Roger Tatarian
Journalism Symposium.
Joseph Wilson, former U.S. Ambassador in Iraq spoke
to a large crowd Friday about his experiences in Iraq
and with the Bush Administration.
"In Bosnia, there was not one death of an american," states Wilson.
He adds:
"In Iraq, there was no system in place...We are involved
in somebody elses civil war."
The detail of his experiences are in the book: The Politics of Truth.
Carroll & Graf, New York(450 pages).

Individuals ask the ambassador questions
during the symposium.