Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A true rock patriot.

Mark Farner,
The man who started the Railroad
in concert, 4/5/08.

There has been a shift in music in todays world.

Not much of it has anything to do with values, but

of the self. The same can be said about our country, our economic situation,

and how we spend our money.

Mark sang some new songs from a recent release: For the People.

And he sang some old classics. Among them, Are You Ready?, Country Road,

Heartbreaker, I'm Your Captain and Were an American Band.

Some of the issues he addressed were: Bring our troops home!

(Mark, by the way is anti-war).

Along with the diversity our nation has developed, there are

also many ways of thought. It can get confusing at times.

Find your true inner-voice, we are still one nation under God.

And we can still inspire others!
