Friday, July 07, 2006

On Global Warming

The above illustration represents the global

warming controversy and was essentially

created before I saw the movie "An Inconvenient Truth."

Movies aren't just for entertainment...They're

for learning as well. Former Vice-President Al Gore gives

us a presentation of what's to come if we don't

take care of our planet.

Our resources are dwindling and we have a bigger

population than twenty years ago. Changes have to be made.

Gore presents a lot of statistics. He's done his research!

He does not rant and rave with empty jargon, he makes

a powerful point in a calm manner.

Ask yourself: What happens when a large chunk (about

one-third) of the artic circle melts into the sea?

The oceans water level raises ten to twenty feet!

what happens to the cities and people living

on the coast? You know the answer. They get flooded.

we are already seeing signs of erratic behavior

of the weather. Hurricanes. Floods. Drought.

My recommendation: Go see the movie.

Then be prepared to make a difference!

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