Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I saw a documentary on war photography the other day.
Photojournalist James Nachtwey was featured. I saw
powerful images in black and white. When
you're photographing people who are grieving for a
killed family member, the only way you are ever going to
get that chance is if you have gotten to know
the people and spend time with them.
They accept you.
Other images shown were people in shacks,
cooking and doing daily chores.
There are people in Indonesia
living right by railroad tracks.
This is news.
And those are real people.
Kindness and honesty go a long way.
In photojournalism,
those who get shot are the ones on their
first assignment or...
those who have been at it so long they think
they're bulletproof!
-from the CNN documentary on
war photojournalism

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