Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Economic blahs

So, it has come to the time of addressing the
economic crunch. I could not begin to tell you how
many articles I have read on the economy and on
economics (and they're still coming). I've only
read them to get perspective and knowledge.
The general idea is this: save as much as you can
for a rainy day(or season).
What consumers did: Husband to wife: things are
great honey, I just got a raise and, I want a
54 in. Blu-ray flat screen
TV with eight huge speakers(surround sound
to the max).
What bank executives did: took more than their
share, way more. They ripped us off!
If you have a job, plan your financial future. If you
don't have a job, do everything in your power to
survive. Use wisdom, be ethical. help others when
you can.
There is a book by John Steinbeck called: "The
Harvest Gypsies." It is the predecessor to
"The Grapes of Wrath." It is a bleak, eye opening
look at the dust bowl era, when migrant workers
came to California. They had it rough.
I don't want to wish that on anybody!

Large businesses are laying off varying percentages
of their workforce. This is happening all over
America. What happens to the small businesses?
They dissappear! Like the dot.com startups of the
nineties, the money is gone, the cash flow has
dried up. Technology keeps advancing, restructuring
takes place, and new ideas are born. It is a cycle,
involving a curve where some will win,
some will lose. That brings us to forclosures, not
going to talk about that.

Where is Captured Image Photography?

I know of a business that recently ended it's existence.
It was a small freelance company that had some
good years photographing weddings and dance
showcases. Even though changes were made to
keep up with the digital age, which included
photoshop, the company could not get its hook in for
real growth. The problem that surfaced was in the
reliance of word of mouth, not marketing and
networking enough caused the eventual demise.
You can picture businesses going twenty, fifty or
one hundred miles an hour. Then there are the
ones that go the speed of sound! Picture
a huge freeway with cars and trucks going at
various speeds. That is what todays business pace
is like. Strap in, hang on, and market like crazy!
It may not be enough to know one or two
programs, but three or four
gives you better choices.
Great possibilities, yes. Greater returns.
There was a decision to for the business owner to
return to college and get a degree. A degree was
obtained, right before the economy took a nose dive.
Timing is everything.
Captured Image Photography had some good years
and creative efforts. This will move onto something
else, no doubt. Something better.
After talking to an associate, there was mention of
the market(s) getting flooded due to so many
people out of work. jobs are getting scarce.
"But there has got to be something out there,
I'm not giving up," the business owner said.
Maybe you should become a teacher, I said to him.
"It's possible, We'll see"

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